18k_Projects.csv: Contains 18,143 projects collected from December 15/2013-Jun 15/2014. The following features:

  1. Name
  2. Url
  3. State
  4. Currency
  5. Top Category
  6. Category
  7. Creator
  8. Location
  9. Updates
  11. Rewards
  12. Goal
  13. Pledged
  14. Backers
  15. Start
  16. End
  17. Duration in Days
  18. Facebook Connected
  19. Facebook Friends
  20. Facebook Shares
  21. Has Video
  22. Latitude
  23. Longitude
  24. Start Timestamp (UTC)
  25. End Timestamp (UTC)
  26. Creator Bio
  27. Creator Website
  28. Creator -# Projects Created
  29. Creator - # Projects Backed
  30. # Videos
  31. # Images
  32. # Words (Description)
  33. # Words (Risks and Challenges)
  34. # FAQs


18k_proj_n_bkr_map.json: Contains the project URL as key and the set of users who backed this project as value. For example:

{u'https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/837725921/one-man-melodic-death-metal-band': [u'56173', u'1227518'])}


backer_profile2.csv: Contains the following informaiton about the backers:

backer_id,category_backed,no. of backings,location,has_twitter_account

If a backer had invested in several projects, he/she is represented in multiple lines.


History.csv: Contains the temporal information on every day collection of funds with the following fields:

  1. "Project Id"
  2. "Timestamp (UTC)"
  3. "Raised"
  4. "Funders"

The Project Id is an integer folder, which can be obtained from 18k_Projects.csv which has the mapping between the "Project Id" and the "Project URL"