Contains 18,143 projects collected from December 15/2013-Jun 15/2014. The following features:
- Name
- Url
- State
- Currency
- Top Category
- Category
- Creator
- Location
- Updates
- Comments
- Rewards
- Goal
- Pledged
- Backers
- Start
- End
- Duration in Days
- Facebook Connected
- Facebook Friends
- Facebook Shares
- Has Video
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Start Timestamp (UTC)
- End Timestamp (UTC)
- Creator Bio
- Creator Website
- Creator -# Projects Created
- Creator - # Projects Backed
- # Videos
- # Images
- # Words (Description)
- # Words (Risks and Challenges)
- # FAQs
Contains the project URL as key and the set of users who backed this project as value. For example:
{u'https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/837725921/one-man-melodic-death-metal-band': [u'56173', u'1227518'])}
Contains the following informaiton about the backers:
backer_id,category_backed,no. of backings,location,has_twitter_account
If a backer had invested in several projects, he/she is represented in multiple lines.
Contains the temporal information on every day collection of funds with the following fields:
- "Project Id"
- "Timestamp (UTC)"
- "Raised"
- "Funders"
The Project Id is an integer folder, which can be obtained from 18k_Projects.csv which has the mapping between the "Project Id" and the "Project URL"